National Hugging Day

Today is National Hugging Day which, according to is

National Hugging Day, occasionally shortened to National Hug Day, was first widely celebrated in 1986 after being published in Chase’s Calender of Annual Events. Since that time, National Hugging Day has continued to grow internationally leading some to suggest the observance be renamed International Hug Day or International Hugging Day.

National Hugging Day was initially created for family and friends to hug often and freely with one another. Celebrate National Hugging Day Every Day

Definitely an annual event I can get behind. I’m a very tactile person and I’m always hugging my family and my friends. So a whole day for celebrating hugs is definitely something I’m a big fan of!

I was even able to tick off two of the items on my 101 Things In 1001 Days:
Hug 10 people in one day
Hug someone on National Hug Day

I was back in college today, feeling much better so took the day as a good excuse to hug everyone. I was almost tempted to do ‘Give a stranger a hug’ but figured since I’ve had such a bad cold this week it wasn’t a good idea. I couldn’t quite bring myself to wear a free hugs sign either. Those two are both on my list as well but they’ll wait for another time. Maybe National Hugging Day 2017 – my 1001 days continues on til October 2017

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